Month: September 2013


Tannkosh Fly-In

‘A party organised BY pilots FOR pilots’ is the motto of this, the largest fly-in in Europe that celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2013. The 1993 event was aimed specifically at the microlight community but such was the popularity of the event,...

10th Jet World Masters

This is all about jet model aircraft, engineering skill, extreme accuracy and aero-modelling enthusiasm. Teams from all over the world compete in two categories, dry weight (without kerosene) of 13.5kg and 20kg. Final scores depend on two equal categories, scale building precision with documentation...

MAKS – Moscow Airshow 2013

Every two years the MAKS airshow draws the crowds to the Zhukovsky Flight Test Centre just southeast of Moscow. Russian industry may have been short on orders these past few years but it sure isn’t short of ideas. The displays of models...