Tag: Air Tattoo


RIAT – Royal International Air Tattoo 2012

RAF Fairford This years Air Tattoo will be remembered first for the wet weather though this failed to spoil the event for thousands. The aircraft component was possibly the best for many year following lots of intense effort from the organisers. Highlights were...

100th Anniversary of the Turkish Air Force

This centenary event (4-5th June 2011) was the flagship of a series of events this year. The Turkish authorities extended a welcome hand to all comers, including the spotting community; even hosting spotter’s days on the Friday and Monday to watch arrivals...

Royal International Air Tattoo RIAT 2010

With so many forces committed to military tasks it was fortunate that the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain was the focus of this year’s show. A plethora of Spitfires and Hurricanes, accompanied by examples of ‘the foe’, graced the skies...

Royal International Air Tattoo RIAT 2009 Part 2

RIAT 2009 went ahead despite the wet conditions, on base parking for ‘Park and View’ and 5km of metal roads help relieve the pressure on the car park fields. A sell-out crowd in excess of 160,00 enjoyed a weekend of flying involving...

Royal International Air Tattoo RIAT 2009

After the cancellation of the 2008 event due to water-logging of the site, particularly the car parks; this year’s team had taken every precaution; doubling car park space off site and allowing some on airfield parking for the first time since 9-11....