
AeroExpo 2013

31 May – 2 June 2013

AeroExpo is now firmly established as a premier general aviation event in the UK. Around a thousand light aircraft visit over the three days which, this year, were blessed with fair weather. Numerous other pilots and enthusiasts flock to see the latest products and enjoy the show deals.

Similarly Sywell is becoming a focus for GA events, much as it did in the 1970s as host of the PFA Rally in its early years. The display and catering facilities are entirely suitable for this type of event. A special feature of this year’s event was the high number of Vans aircraft attending, all models from the diminutive RV-4 to family size RV-12 being present with examples from Holland and Ireland adding extra interest.

Each lunchtime saw a brief cessation of arrivals to allow for a compact flying display, the towed glider aerobatics being particularly interesting.

As the fibre-glass generation slowly takes over it was interesting to see a few early types arriving that only ten years ago would have seemed commonplace. The Taylor Titch, Bolkow Monsun and even early mark Cherokees now attracting attention among the smooth lines of Cirrus, Vans and Europas. A fair selection of helicopters and gyroplanes added extra interest along with a smattering of vintage biplanes.

Congratulations to all involved in running this splendid event.

Peter Davison is an aviation author and editor from the United Kingdom.

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