Month: January 2016


Tanagra Open Day 2015

Archangel event, Tanagra, Greece, 5-8 November 2015 Every year at the beginning of November the security conscious Hellenic Air Force opens its major air bases to the public. This is in celebration of its Patron Saint Archangel Michael. On the Thursday and...

Elefsis open day 2015

Archangel event, Elefsis, Greece, 5-8 November 2015 Every year at the beginning of November the security conscious Hellenic Air Force opens its major air bases to the public. This is in celebration of its Patron Saint Archangel Michael. On the Thursday and...

Kalamata open day 2015

Archangel event, Kalamata, Greece, 5-8 November 2015 Every year at the beginning of November the security conscious Hellenic Air Force opens its major air bases to the public. This is in celebration of its Patron Saint Archangel Michael. On the Thursday and...

Larissa Open Day 2015

Archangel event, Larissa, Greece, 5-8 November 2015 Every year at the beginning of November the security conscious Hellenic Air Force opens its major air bases to the public. This is in celebration of its Patron Saint Archangel Michael. On the Thursday and...

Anatolian Eagle 15-1

Konya Air Base, Turkey, 8-19 June 2015 After visiting the US for many years since the 1980s to observe and sometimes participate in Red Flag exercises, the Turkish Air Force formulated a plan to organise a similar set of exercises closer to...

Tactical Leadership Programme TLP15-3

Albacete, Spain, 14/9 – 9/10, 2015 The TLP exercises occur four times a year in southern Spain benefitting from clear skies and better weather than was the case at their previous location in Florennes, Belgium. They provide an ideal opportunity for the...

Red Flag Alaska 15-2

Elmendorf and Eielson AFB, Alaska, USA, 30/4-15/5 2015 Three times a year Red Flag Alaska (RFA) military exercises are held at the two main bases of Eielson and Elmendorf-Richardson just outside Fairbanks and Anchorage respectively. Originally named Cope Thunder, the Pacific Air Forces...

NATO Tiger Meet 2015

Konya, Turkey, 4-16 May 2015 A favourite event on the calendar of many military aviation photographers is the annual NATO Tiger Meet in which various units having a Tiger in their squadron emblem get together at a different base each year for...