UK Grand Prix Helicopters
Turweston Airfield, Buckinghamshire, England, Sunday 3rd July 2022 Turweston is unusual in these days of General Aviation airfield closures in that it has grown in status over the last decade. This is partly due to it being the Headquarters of Britain’s Light...

Microlight Fly-in 2022
Popham Airfield, 30 April-2 May 2022 As Covid restrictions ease it was a welcome return to this annual gathering of all things plastic and fabric and Saturday’s weather was bright, clear and cool; almost perfect for the mass migration of ‘lightweights’. Samuel...

Duxford Autumn Flying Day
Flying Day, Duxford Airfield, Cambridgeshire, UK 9 October 21 Duxford needs little introduction, home of an Imperial War Museum, the Duxford Aviation Society (DAS) with world class collections and impressive flying events that include Europe’s largest collection of airworthy warbirds. This event...

LAA Rally 2021
Light Aviation Association Rally, Sywell, Northampton, UK 3rd-5th September This long awaited event coincided with one of the best weather weekends of the British Summer. Nearly a thousand historic, light and homebuilt aircraft flew in, to the delight of over a thousand...

Yorkshire Balloon Fiesta 2021
York Racecourse, Yorkshire, UK 27-30 August 2021 This annual extravaganza sees a large fairground, live music and a Hot-Air Balloon Festival combine to bring crowds to this heritage city on the River Ouse. As ever, ballooning requires minimal wind and still, clear...

Popham Microlight Trade Fair 2021
Microlight Trade Fair and Fly-in 2021 Popham Airfield 14-15th August 2021 At long last, the chance to attend and report on a British aviation event as Covid restrictions ease. This annual gathering on the two runway grass strip at Popham, near Winchester,...

Grand Est Mondial Air Ballons 2019
GEMAB19, Chambley Aerodrome, Lorraine, France – 26 July – 4 August 2019 This, the sixteenth such meet, celebrated thirty years since the first in 1989. Metz born Jean Francois Pilatre de Rozier was the world’s first aeronaut in 1783 and Philippe Pilatre...

Yeovilton Air Day 2019
RNAS Yeovilton, Somerset, United Kingdom, 13th July 2019 Such is the star quality of this annual Naval celebration that it continues to survive the general reduction in military airshows across Europe. Despite being close to the Air Tattoo the crowds and exhibits...

South Africa AAD2018
Aerospace and Defence 2018, Waterkloof Air Force Base, Pretoria (now Tshwane) 19-23 September 2018 This biennial show celebrated 20 years in 2018 with a much enhanced air display. Seven hangars of trade exhibitions highlighted both suppliers and buyers of military hardware over...

Poland 100
Air Force Centenary Airshow, Radom, Poland 25-26th August 2018 Another Air Force, another Centenary. The annual airshow at Radom, around 100km south of Warsaw, has become a regular fixture of the European Military airshow circuit attracting attendees from across the continent. Given...