Red Flag Alaska 15-2
Elmendorf and Eielson AFB, Alaska, USA, 30/4-15/5 2015 Three times a year Red Flag Alaska (RFA) military exercises are held at the two main bases of Eielson and Elmendorf-Richardson just outside Fairbanks and Anchorage respectively. Originally named Cope Thunder, the Pacific Air Forces...

NATO Tiger Meet 2015
Konya, Turkey, 4-16 May 2015 A favourite event on the calendar of many military aviation photographers is the annual NATO Tiger Meet in which various units having a Tiger in their squadron emblem get together at a different base each year for...

NATO TLP Albacete
NATO Tactical Leadership Programme Albacete Air Base, Spain 15 September – 10 October 2014 The visit was made in the fourth week of the exercise which was blessed with good flying weather and a westerly wind. Local authorities were considerate and, since...

NATO Tiger Meet 2014
Each year the NATO Tiger Meet brings together as many squadrons as possible that include a ‘big cat’ in their squadron motif. Over the years the development of weatherproof adhesive vinyl has allowed more innovative and complex colour schemes to be applied...

Exercise Frisian Flag 2014
This annual NATO extravaganza once again visited the scenic city of Leeuwarden. As usual the German air Force arrived in force with Typhoons from Neuberg and Norvenich combining well with the local F-16 Fighting Falcons.

Frisian Flag Exercise 2013
15-26 April 2013, Leeuwarden Air Base, Netherlands In a similar style to last year, European military airmen gathered in northern Holland to train for realistic combat operations flying two sorties a day spread over two weeks. This year participants were slightly reduced...

Tactical Leadership Programme 2012
This was the first flying day of this exercise; the base itself is home to the Spanish Air Force, flying Mirage F1EE and Typhoon aircraft. Spain was not participating in this exercise and it was mid afternoon before briefings were complete and...