Malta International 2023
Luqa Airport and St Paul’s Bay, Malta 23-24th September 2023 This biennial gathering on a Mediterranean island was disrupted by Covid so had not been held since 2018; hence the local population was ready and waiting in large numbers, particularly with advanced...

Royal International Air Tattoo 2023
RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, 14-16th July 2023 Reputed to be the largest military airshow in the world RIAT certainly lived up to its name this year. Compared to the dry sweltering heat of 2022 the weather this year was disappointing; Friday was almost...

Royal International Air Tattoo 2022
RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, UK 15-17th July 2022 Well, what a scorcher! Record temperatures, record crowd and a mind-blowing selection of exhibits both static and flying. After two years off the calendar a memorable return of the World’s greatest military airshow. Given the...

2022 Moscow Victory Day flypast
It is now a well-established tradition that the annual 9th May military parade held in Moscow’s Red Square to celebrate the anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany includes an aviation component. The first such...

Polish Armed Forces Day Flypast
Central Warsaw, Poland, 15 August 2018 Every year on 15th August Poland celebrates with a mass military flypast and armoured parade. 2018 was special as the Polish Air Force; like the RAF and Finnish Air Force was marking its’ centenary. The event...

Victory Day – 9th May 2014
In keeping with a well-established tradition, the military parade in Moscow on occasion of the Victory Day celebrations included a flypast by 69 military aircraft, the number reflecting the fact that it is the 69th anniversary of V-Day.

Bastille Day flypast
Sunday 14 July 2013, Champs Elysee, Paris This was my first time at this annual festival and, with bright weather, it did not disappoint.The crowds are enormous and the flypast starts around 10 am with the Alpha Jets of the Patrouille de France...

Run-up to the Victory Day celebrations on 9th May
In the run-up to the Victory Day celebrations on 9th May, the Russian Air Force made two practice flypasts over Moscow’s Red Square on 3rd May and during the dress rehearsal of the V-Day parade on 7th May.

Victory Day Flypast – Moscow
After a long break since 1995 when the 50th anniversary of VE-Day was celebrated, the Russian Air Force’s participation in the traditional Victory Day military parades in Moscow’s Red Square resumed in 2008. This year the Air Force was involved on a...